Anubhab Swain, Analyst

Highest Yielding Asset

You know, my relationship with money has really evolved over the years. I was born into a middle-class family in India, so we had enough for the basics, but not much beyond that. It really taught me to be thrifty from a young age - always bargaining for the best deals, scouring for coupons, that kind of thing. A lot of my friends had similar experiences growing up.

But then we all started our careers and suddenly had decent incomes for the first time. It was kind of a shock to the system! I’ve been really observant about how people have handled that newfound money. Some went a bit crazy splurging on all the luxuries they were denied as kids. Others stayed just as thrifty as ever, agonizing over saving a few hundred rupees here and there. And then there were the ones who got really into investing - always talking about wealth creation strategies and analyzing markets.

For me though, I realized something - what’s the point of creating wealth if not for more freedom? Now, true absolute freedom may be an illusion, as there are always constraints and limitations in life. But you understand what I mean - having financial independence and the autonomy it provides is priceless.

So I got into this mindset - to create real wealth, you invest in assets, not liabilities. Take smart calculated risks when needed. But here’s the big realization I came to - the best asset I could possibly invest in was myself. The ROI on that has been insane already and I’m still just in my early 20s! I’m just so bullish on my own potential.

These days, my investment strategy is all about freeing up mental bandwidth so I can do my absolute best work. Whether that’s better nutrition, supplements, working out, paying someone to handle chores, automating boring tasks, or just straight up hiring tools to be more productive - I’m all for it if it helps optimize my performance. I have no hesitation investing in myself because at the end of the day, I’m the most important venture in my portfolio. Everything else is secondary to maximizing my own potential.